PCC Foundation

                                         One of the cooks dumps oysters for attendeesHoff n Finch Duo

13th Annual Great Oyster Revival & Chili Cookoff

Featuring entertainment by Hoff ’n’ Finch! Back by popular demand!

Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025

3 to 5 p.m.

PCC Grantsboro Campus – Delamar Center

Rain or shine! Proceeds directly support PCC students!

$30 per person for all-you-can-eat oysters and chili!

($15 per person “chili-only” tickets are also available.)

BYO gloves, knives, beverages, etc.

Calling all cooks! Enter a crockpot of your best chili

for a chance at a trophy and bragging rights!

(Entries are due by 2 p.m. on the day of the contest.)

Door prizes and a 50-50 raffle!

Contact Heather Arevalo for details and to register for the Chili Cookoff.

252-249-1851, ext. 3084, or harevalo@pamlicocc.edu

Due to limited PayPal capabilities, full tickets and chili only tickets may need to be purchased separately. Sponsorships and donations can be made in increments of $25 until desired amount has been reached.

Click the Donate Now button below to make your donation through the secure PayPal connection with your credit card, debit card, bank account, or PayPal account. Or call our cashier at 252-249-1851 ext. 3006, between 8-3:30 Mon-Thurs. Checks may be mailed to PCC Foundation, PO Box 185, Grantsboro NC 28529.

When you go to the PayPal page, you will have the opportunity to designate your donation.

PCCF is a 501c3 organization.

2024-2025 Annual Campaign

Striving to make higher education possible

You are our hero! A new semester will begin soon at Pamlico Community College (PCC), and with it the promise for each student of learning a new skill or trade, getting a better job, making more money, and improving the quality of life for themselves and their families. You help make that possible!

This year we are highlighting our Public Safety Program and supporting scholarship! Here’s an exciting opportunity to put your gift dollars to work in a way that will positively impact hard-working students who go on to fulfill needed careers in Pamlico County and the surrounding region: make your tax-deductible gift to the Rufus Brinson Fire Academy Scholarship.

Rufus Brinson, Jr.

The Rufus Brinson Fire Academy Scholarship was established in honor of Rufus E. Brinson Jr., who served as PCC’s Occupational Health and Emergency Services Coordinator for many years. Mr. Brinson passed away in the line of duty after a fire training session on campus in 2008. A scholarship was established in his honor to assist students in the Public Safety and Emergency Management programs we offer, including Firefighting, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Management, and Law Enforcement. The scholarship has broadened to include first responders and their dependents in continuing education and curriculum programs.

Tuition for Public Safety programs are often sponsored by the state; however, books, supplies, and fees are out-of-pocket expenses for our students and can be very costly. This scholarship assists students even further to cover these costs as well as give them access and tuition assistance to other programs. Your donation can make post-secondary education a viable option for students who believe that the cost puts college out of reach for them as well as provide a solution to enrollment and staffing shortages in Pamlico and surrounding areas.

As we wrote last year, the pandemic caused unprecedented drops in college enrollment numbers as well as triggered one of the worst labor shortages seen in nearly a century. Both areas are recovering, but the effects are still felt and remain below pre-pandemic levels. Local employers have communicated the need for trained workers to meet critical shortages, some of which require state/national certifications. Community colleges are tailor-made for responding to community needs such as these. PCC is committed to working with local agencies to combat shortages in critical roles such as first responders. Together we can help people achieve their dreams of higher education and entering the workforce with the skills they need to serve our community. You can help us reach even more students through your donation.

Like you, I have made annual giving to PCC a priority. We know that private philanthropy helps ensure PCC offers a rich learning environment for current and future students. I want to personally thank you for your investment in Pamlico Community College. You can help students get a jump start on a college education or job skill by choosing to designate your annual gift to the Rufus Brinson Fire Academy Scholarship, Vocational Scholarships, other named scholarships, or “where needed most.”  You can view our list of scholarships by clicking on “Ways to Give.” Please join us once again with your gift today to help create opportunities for learning, improving quality of life, and preparing for the future.


Heather Arevalo
Executive Director

Meet PCC Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course graduates Tristan Persinger, Nathan Voit, and Alejandro Clausell. These students spent more than 250 hours learning the fundamental knowledge and skills to respond to, assess, treat and transport life-threatening illnesses and injuries. This included didactics, hands-on field clinical experience, and driver training. They are now better prepared to continue their service to their respective communities and the country.

EMS Graduates

PCC Public Safety and Emergency Management hosted a Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course on campus.

The course teaches EMS practitioners and other pre-hospital providers, integrated with law enforcement and other public safety personnel, how to respond to and care for patients in a civilian tactical environment.

More than 40 participants from surrounding counties and agencies throughout North Carolina, as well as some from Maryland, South Carolina, and Tennessee, worked together to learn, practice, and execute the critical skills needed to render specialty care across all phases of tactical response.

Emergency Management students working on a patient.
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