English as a Second Language

Do you want to improve your English language skills?

Register for FREE Classes Now!

Free English language instruction is available for individuals who are non-native English speakers. Professional instruction in speaking, reading, and writing is provided to individuals who are seeking to learn or improve these skills to assist with employability skills, social skills, or secondary (GED®) or post-secondary studies. Map and Directions

**If your organization is interested in on-site instruction, please contact Pamlico Community College for more information on establishing a satellite location for your group:

Please call 252-249-1851, ext. 3015, or email lgiles@pamlicocc.edu  to register for classes!

For more information:

Lori Giles
Chair of Continuing Education and Technical Programs
252-249-1851  ext. 3015

Johnson Bldg., Room 155

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