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The Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree program is college curricula designed to provide a full transfer credential for students wishing to transfer to a four-year college or university.
Students may earn the A.A. degree by completing 60-61 semester hours credit (SHC) of transferable course work in English, literature, mathematics, natural sciences, humanities/fine arts, and social/behavioral sciences.
Students will take 45 hours in general education courses, 31-34 hours of which comprise the Universal General Education Transfer Component of the degree. (Students wishing to obtain an A.A. degree are required to take 7-8 hours of coursework in math and natural sciences. The remaining 11-14 hours are composed of additional general education hours.
Students will also complete 15 SHC of coursework composed of pre-major, elective, or additional general education courses (one of these hours is the course College Transfer Success, which is required of all transfer students). These courses will be chosen by the student, in conjunction with their advisor, based on courses suggested by the four-year college or university to which the student wishes to transfer.
Completion of the A.A. degree at Pamlico Community College includes an assurance that minimum admission and course requirements have been met for all 16 colleges and universities in the UNC System. Students graduating with a 2.0 GPA or better and grades of “C” or better are guaranteed that their coursework will transfer to a UNC System college or university.
Students wishing to transfer to a private institution or an institution outside the state of North Carolina will need to consult with their advisor and the institution about transferability of coursework.
Associate in Arts Course Checklist
Associate in Arts Program Curriculum Map
What job opportunities will I have?
The A.A. degree is designed for students who wish to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a bachelor’s degree. Students with bachelor’s degrees can obtain jobs in fields such as business, education, engineering, government, sales, social services, journalism, and scientific research.
In addition, many students who obtain bachelor’s degrees go on to complete post-graduate education for careers in medicine, law, education, and research.
Learn more, contact
Patrick Neil Callahan
252-249-1851 x3042
Room 435