Emergency Management
The Criminal Justice Technology curriculum provides basic knowledge of criminal justice systems and operations. Study focuses on local, state, and federal law enforcement, judicial processes, corrections, and security services. The criminal justice system’s role within society is also explored.
The curriculum focuses on criminal justice systems, criminology, juvenile justice, criminal and constitutional law, investigative principles, ethics, and community relations. In addition, issues and concepts of government, counseling, communications, computers, and technology are explored.
The Criminal Justice Technology curriculum offers an opportunity to earn a certificate, diploma and associates degree.
Skills learned will prepare one for a job in law enforcement as well as corrections and private securities. One will also be prepared to work in the court system, probation, and parole. Job opportunities will be available in mentoring juveniles as well as adults.

What job opportunities will I have?
Employment opportunities exist in a variety of local, state, and federal law enforcement, corrections, and security fields. Examples include police officer, deputy sheriff, county detention officer, state trooper, correctional officer, and loss prevention specialist.

What tools or equipment will I be exposed to?
As a criminal justice student you will be exposed to the daily operations of law enforcement officers by touring their facility as well as having officers from different departments come to the class to explain their responsibilities. The class will attend court to witness first hand the procedures followed.
Students will have experience in investigating crime scenes by collecting, preserving, photographing, and recording evidence. Students will learn how to fingerprint suspects, lift prints from the crime scene and compare the prints in order to solve crimes.
Do you have prior training?
Students who have successfully completed BLET training are granted credit for the following courses: CJC 120, CJC 131, CJC 132, CJC 221, and CJC 231. Students with Correctional Officer Basic Training are granted credit for CJC 141.
Criminal Justice Course Checklist
Criminal Justice Program Curriculum Map
To learn more, contact:
Derek Godwin
Director of Career & College Promise
Instructor of Criminal Justice
252-249-1851 ext.3106