Veteran Services


Ashley Howell
Financial Aid Director
252-249-1851 ×3026
Johnson, Room 162

Pamlico Community College
5049 Hwy 306 South
Grantsboro, NC 28529


Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday – 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

How to Apply for Educational Benefits

Financial Aid for Military Students

Step 1: Complete Admissions Application and Application for Benefits

  • To start the application process to use your GI Bill® or the GI Bill® of your spouse or parent, you need to complete an application for admissions to Pamlico Community College, speak with a VA counselor or rep, and submit an application for benefits.
  • To apply for these benefits, the student must complete a Veterans Affairs (VA) form.  If a student is using VA benefits for the first time, VA Form 22-1990 is used.  If a student is changing programs or has used benefits within the past year, VA Form 22-1995 is used.  This process may be completed by calling 1-888-442-4551 or by visiting www.gibill.va.gov
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  • Please check the groups below (A or B) to see what information must accompany your application for benefits.
    • Group A: Individuals receiving benefits from the following programs:
      • CH 30 – Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty/Former Active Duty
      • CH 31 – Veteran’s Voc Rehab
      • CH 33 – Forever GI Bill®
      • CH 33 TOE – Forever GI Bill® Transfer of Eligibility
      • CH 1606 – Selected Reserve
      • Individuals applying for benefits under Group A are require to submit a copy of their DD-214 (Member 4) and their Certificate of Eligibility.
    • Group B: Individuals receiving benefits from the following program:
      • CH 35 – Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program
      • Individuals applying for benefits under Group B are required to submit their certificate of eligibility and their spouse or parent’s DD-214 (Member 4).  If a child of a veteran, the student must submit a copy of their birth certificate.  If the spouse of a veteran, the student must submit a copy of the marriage license.
    • Group C: Active Duty Military
      • TA – Tuition Assistance
      • Individuals hoping to use Tuition Assistance will contact their ESO, military counselor, or Service to request funding to enroll in courses that lead to a degree. The service member will provide their service with the course name(s) and credit hours to obtain a voucher for the course tuition prior to enrolling in the course(s) themselves.  The TA recipient will submit the voucher to the VACO for record maintenance. Once the voucher is received, the VACO will confirm with the student’s academic advisor that the course(s) can be added to the student schedule. The VACO will also distribute the voucher to the appropriate parties so no tuition charges will have to be paid by the student prior to the start of the course.  Please note that this benefit only pays the tuition portion of the course, so the service member will still be responsible for the course fees. Currently, fees do not exceed $21.25 for one semester, but failure to remit payment for fees will result in a hold on the student account that will prevent the student from being registered for future terms.

Step 2: Submit all Official Transcripts

Prior to being certified for benefits, you must submit all official transcripts from your high school/GED equivalency, from any college/university that you have attended, and from the military (if you have a military transcript that you would like to be reviewed for prior training credit) to the registrar’s office.

Step 3: Register & Pay for Classes

Once you have registered for classes, submit a copy of your schedule to the VA Certifying Official (VACO) in Student Services.  A hold will be placed on your classes so that you are not removed from them, however, if you are in a program that does not pay the school directly through voucher or Electronic Funds Transmission, you will be responsible for the balance on your account after you have received your funds from VA.  If you get books and supplies that are over the amount paid by your program, you are also responsible for the balance created by those purchases.

Step 4: Verify Enrollment

You must verify your enrollment/attendance with VA through your access portals at the end of each month to receive any benefits that would go to you.  For the first time verifying enrollment for the term, you can do so at any point after classes begin and do not have to wait until the end of the first month of classes.

Important things to know:

  1. You can only use your GI Bill® for curriculum programs that have been approved by the North Carolina State Approving Agency (NCSAA). 
  2. VA will only pay for courses in your major.
  3. It can take anywhere from 60-90 days for VA to process your benefits claims.
  4. If you change your major or any personal information (address, name, etc…), you must also notify the VACO.
  5. Students receiving VA Benefits must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to continue receiving benefits.
  6. If you withdraw from classes or do not report changes when verifying enrollment, you may owe money back to VA.

Links of Interest

For Local Veterans Services

Vickie L. Glover, Service Officer
2818 Neuse Boulevard
New Bern, NC 28562
252-745-7384 (fax)

Thomas Toler, Service Officer
Department of Veterans Affairs
828 Main Street
Alliance, NC 28509
252-745-4086 (office)

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