Disclosure of Consumer Information - Your Right To Know
Pamlico Community College is committed to providing students, their families and the campus community full disclosure of all consumer information as required by state and federal laws and regulations. The laws are intended to satisfy students’ right to know, and afford the opportunity for students to make fully informed choices regarding the institution they elect to attend. Please take a moment to review the information below.
About Pamlico Community College
About Pamlico Community CollegeConsumer and disclosure information relating to current degrees and programs offered by the college, accreditation information, credit transfer policies, and lists of faculty and administrative personnel can be accessed in the Pamlico Community College General Catalog or you can call the Division of Student Services: 252-249-1851
Safety on Campus
Pamlico Community College places the highest priority on your safety. We rely on community members to share our commitment and actively participate in creating a safe and secure living, learning, and working environment. In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act), Pamlico Community College’s Annual Crime Statistics includes data for the previous three years concerning reported crimes occurred on or around the campus. More information on crime statistics and other campus safety information can be found within PCC’s General Catalog. To obtain more information or to speak to a representative concerning crime statistics, please contact the Division of Student Services: 252-249-1851.
Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act of 1989
The Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act of 1989 requires that all students be notified annually of Pamlico Community College’s Drug Alcohol Abuse Policy in the College Catalog. Other policies regarding student conduct and sanction for violations can be found in the Pamlico Community College Policies and Procedures Manual .
More information on local resources to assist you with the prevention of substance abuse is available from Pamlico Community College’s Division of Student Services.
Privacy Rights of Students’ Educational Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 provides safeguards regarding the confidentiality of and access to student records, and this Act will be adhered to by the College. Student and former students have the right to review their official records and to request a hearing if they challenge the contents of these records. No records shall be made available to unauthorized personnel or groups outside the College without the written consent of the student involved except under legal compulsion.
The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act
In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA), Pamlico Community College does not compete in Athletics.
Completion of Degrees and Graduation Rate Information
Graduation rates for full-time, first-time undergraduates are available here. Search for “Pamlico Community College”. The information is also displayed by gender and ethnicity
Financial Aid Information
Consumer disclosure information relating to financial aid includes: cost of attendance, description of need and non-need aid types, application procedures and processes, student eligibility requirements, students rights and responsibilities, criteria for selection of recipients and awarding funds, disbursement information, refund and repayment policies, satisfactory academic progress policy for financial aid, appeal procedures, financial aid availability for students abroad, and VA/Military benefits. All of this information can be accessed on the Pamlico Community College Catalog or by contacting the Division of Student Services: 252-249-1851.
Miscellaneous Information
Book Store
Information regarding textbooks (ISBN, price, etc.) for specific courses can be found by navigating to the Pamlico Community College Bookstore web page, selecting the “Textbooks List Tab”. Further information on textbooks can be found by calling the bookstore: 252-249-1851 ext 3006.
Technology Use
Student must adhere to the Acceptable-Use Policy (AUP). A copy of the policy can be obtained by contacting the Division of Student Services at 252-249-1851.