PCC Foundation provides financial and mission support to Pamlico Community College and its students. We do this primarily through fundraising events throughout the year and through gifts from donors like you.
Scholarships for students, student emergency funds, facilities enhancement, and program support – these areas receive little to no public funding. Your gifts and PCC Foundation fundraising events help to bridge that gap.
There are several ways individuals or organizations may contribute to the PCC Foundation:
–Where Needed Most – These funds are used to meet current needs or are placed in the general scholarship fund.
–Short-Term Workforce Training Program enrichment – Provides targeted instruction aimed to lead to a state, national, or industry credential that enables students to obtain employment offering a life-sustaining wage. Our focus is on health care training programs to address the shortage of qualified technicians in Pamlico and surrounding counties. Through grants and private gifts, the goal is to construct a multi-disciplinary healthcare instruction lab.
–Student Emergency Fund – For contingencies such as a flat tire, groceries, occasional help with a utility bill, etc.
–Special Gifts – Restricted by donor for a particular purpose, such as named scholarships.
–Capital Gifts – To provide for endowments, equipment, or building projects.
–Planned Gifts – Such as bequests and insurance policies to provide a basis for future needs.
–Employer Match – Ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching gift program.
–Sponsor, donate to, or volunteer at one of PCC Foundation’s annual fundraising events: Annual Great Oyster Revival/Chili Cookoff (4th Saturday of February), summer events, Annual Golf Tournament (3rd Saturday of October). To participate, contact our office.
Named scholarships:
–Rufus Brinson Fire Academy Scholarship – Established in honor of PCC’s late Occupational Health and Emergency Services Coordinator for first responders and their dependents
–Pamlico Proud Scholarship – For a Career and College Promise student attending PCC
–Daniels/Muse/Holton Scholarship – Provides tuition, books, and fees for full or part-time students
–Paul Johnson GED Scholarship – Established by PCC’s 1st president and his wife to assist a GED graduate entering a postsecondary curriculum program
–PHJ Next Step Award – Provides a “next step” voucher for one curriculum class or one continuing education class to all recent GED graduates
–Cleve H. Cox Memorial Scholarship – Established in honor of Pamlico’s 4th president
–Ned E. Delamar Scholarship – Named in honor of late Pamlico County native and architect of the community college system
–Dr. Robert Ross Memorial Veteran’s Scholarship
–William Henry Vogelsang Memorial Veterans’ Scholarship
–William Breitling Scholarship – Full 2-year scholarship for recent Pamlico High School graduates in honor of late professor NEW!
–Michelle Noevere CCP Book Fund Memorial Scholarship – Established in honor of late PCC Foundation Director to assist CCP students with books, supplies, and fees NEW!
Click the Donate Now button below to make your donation through the secure PayPal connection with your credit card, debit card, bank account, or PayPal account. Or call our cashier at 252-249-1851 ext. 3006, between 8-3:30 Mon-Thurs. Checks may be mailed to PCC Foundation, PO Box 185, Grantsboro NC 28529.
When you go to the PayPal page, you will have the opportunity to designate your donation.