Who We Are and What We Do

About the PCC Foundation

Pamlico Community College Foundation Inc. was established January 16, 1985 to support and promote the mission and goals of the College in providing accessible and affordable, high-quality workforce education. The college was recently ranked No. 1 community college in the United States for student Educational Outcomes, and has also been designated North Carolina’s best two-year college for online education by Affordable Colleges Online.

Public education funds are limited and are insufficient to grow and maintain a vibrant community college. We thank the many private and corporate donors who, through gifts and bequests to the Foundation, provide funds for scholarships and other financial aid to deserving students, and for instructional and facilities projects that enhance the student experience.

Your Tax-Exempt Donation is More Vital Than Ever

With the cost of living and education expenses on the rise, your support, helping to bring a college education or trade skill within reach of more students, is more vital than ever. Pamlico Community College Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, which means your gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Photos: Career and College Promise students, Nursing Assistant students, Dental Lab Technology students at work.

Make your tax-exempt donation now either through this secure PayPal connection using your credit card, debit card, bank account or PayPal account; or call our cashier between 8-12:30 Mon-Thur at 252-249-1851, ext. 3006; or mail a check to PCCF, PO Box 185, Grantsboro NC 28529.


The Foundation Team

Heather Arevalo
Executive Director
252-249-1851, ext. 3084

Board of Directors:

Rose Lore, President
Mark Johnson, Vice President
Lee Tillman, Treasurer
Earl Canfield
Michelle Montgomery
Violet Ollison
Rachel Tipton
Ann Whitman
Ben Wynne

Michelle Willis, Interim President

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